Monday, May 19, 2014

First "Real-Full" Half Ironman Distance Completed.. BAAM!!!

Still on Cloud 9 and ready for the next event!

It's all about the Bling, T-shirt and the bonus is the Plaque!
14 months ago, I had my left hip replaced due to having hip dysplasia which caused the osteoarthritis to wear down my cartilage. I was also diagnosed with having osteoarthritis in the right hip as well.  5 months ago, I broke my left ankle and was in a walking boot and had right shoulder reconstruction surgery.  Diagnosis, osteoarthritis, a small rotator tear, bursitis and something to do with the bicep tendon.   I was also told I have osteoarthritis and bursitis in the left shoulder.

I'm not going to lie.  2013 was a very hard time for me mentally and physically, especially the last two months.   With the hip replacement, I was told to move. I had restrictions but I was walking and strength training the entire body.  I'm pretty sure it was during this time period when my right shoulder took a turn for the worse.  (I've had issues with it for 15+ years. ).    It was at this time, I wrote my plan down to get to my goal of becoming an Ironman. I knew shoulder surgery was inevitable but the broken ankle threw me a curve.

I signed up for all my 2014 races in October 2013.  I thought my shoulder surgery was going to be at the end of the month so I knew I had enough time.  Well, the surgery was pushed back until December.   I knew one event was going to have to be cancelled.

I was searching for a coach and decided on Train-N-Tri.  There are many reasons I chose her and here are a few.. 1.  She understands I'm not the same as her other athletes. I have joint issues and running is BAD for me.  2.  She actually asked for all my scheduled vacations and or family visits, since she knows I travel a lot.  3. She understands recovery and the older we get, the more recovery our body needs.   4.  She knows me.  When I get a plan, I do my best to stick to it 100%, so I needed a plan that wouldn't beat me down.     It was a great decision.  I love how she wants a weekly report or she will track you down.  I love the fact when I forget to tell her something but she sees it on FB she tracks me down..  

She wouldn't start any plan for me until I was fully released from my doctors.  On Jan 24 I was fully released from both.  However, I didn't get my plan until Feb 18 due to other issues.  Now, I was a bit worried. I had 12 weeks to my first half. I had 4 trips planned.   My longest run of 13.1 miles was when I competed in Boise 70.3 in 2012.   I kept my running to 4 miles or under.  I followed the plan and that was all I could do. We tweaked it here and there but I was getting stronger every week.

It's a week before my race now and I feel good.  I'm worried about the run but I knew if I did my swim and bike like I knew I could I would have plenty of time for the run.  (This is my goal for all races, swim as fast as I can, bike like a bandit and then enjoy a slow jog to the finish).     My dog Booger gets sick and can't sleep for 4 days.  My husband and I take turns sleeping in the living room with Booger so the other can get rest.  The vet told us to wait 24 hours before leaving.   We left Wednesday morning, all of us exhausted. However Booger was feeling back to himself.  My coach told me not to do anything being tired because that would cause injury.  So I didn't and I didn't dwell on it.  Seriously, a week away from my first big event, there isn't anything I could do to change anything now. No I rested while my wonderful husband drove us in the RV.

I picked up my packet and racked my bike the night before.  A few less things to worry about on Race Morning.

The Pink Lotus racked and ready

Believe it or not, I wasn't anxious or stick to my stomach. I remained calm (scary for me).    In 2013, I realized if I wanted to achieve my dream, I first needed to developed my mind strength.  My friend (now coach) told me I would have the strongest mind out there. I don't know if she was right but I know my mindset was right.  

Race Day Morning.. Feeling Good.
Race day morning, I get up and still no nervousness.  I feel calm and happy.  I just told myself, give it your best.  If you don't finish, you don't finish. This is NOT my job, this is actually my JOY.  Usually when the gun goes off I want to puke.  Nope not this time.  It was a mass start with all full and half athletes starting.  I positioned myself in the back and got into my rhythm.   I just kept going over my mantras and what my friend Rob told me when we swam last week.  "Over exaggerated your left arm pull and relaxed."  I did pass quite a few peeps besides the 10 that quit and got pulled out.

Swim Start.. I'm there somewhere.  This was just a few out of the 400 athletes that started.
My watch said 48 minutes when I stood up.  The timing mat was a bit further up but I stopped so Pat could help get my arm out.  The shoulder was fine during the swim because the water was 59 degrees..  I was a bit numb and couldn't feel any pain.  I walked to the wetsuit strippers so they could help me with the rest.  I then jogged into transition.  It was hard putting on my socks. I needed help putting on my gloves and I gave up trying to Zip my jersey.  

Starting my 56 mile Bike Ride
Off I went for 56 miles.  I told Pat I would be back in 3:30 hours.  I stopped twice on the course. Once at mile 25 to fill up my bottle and zip up my jersey. I was finally thawed out.  2nd time was at mile 40.  I was in some pain with the shoulder.  It wasn't numb anymore,  I had a energy bar and took a ibuprofen and some energy bits, endurance, electrolytes, Ryno power.  I couldn't reach my dried fruit and nuts because my arm didn't have the range of motion.  I had 16 miles left and I rode right into 13-15 mph headwinds. 

Back in transition.  I also forgot my Visor.  Preparing for the 13.1 miles left to go.
I was back in 3:23.  Fastest time and a new PR for me.  Total elevation was around 1200'.   I was so busy complimenting this girl next to me that I took off without my bits and dried fruit.  Look this girl was in her 20s but she just finished 56 miles on a 10 speed bike like the one I had in high school and NO clips.  Yes I passed her on the bike but she caught me in transition.  Oh and someone stepped thru my transition so my pink Oakley's were broken. Thank goodness I had an extra pair of sunglasses in my bag. 
Leaving transition, knowing I had about 3 hours left
I was one mile into the run and realized I had forgotten my fuel.  I know there are aid stations but I prefer to use my own stuff.  My stomach gets very sensitive while running.   I had no choice, I tried a few pretzels at one stop but it was like licking cardboard. I don't like the taste of arrowhead water which is what they had, so I would dump water on me and take the ice.  I sipped on my drink I was carrying. I was running 10 minutes and walking 1 and walking thru every aid station (words of wisdom from coach and my friend Greg).  It was at mile 4 when my nausea started.   I told Pat I would be back in 3:15 which was my goal but I let it go.   There was sprite at the aids station so I started grabbing a cup with ice and sipping it at every station.  My body isn't use to that sugar so it probably didn't help the nausea.  

The roads were country roads with no shade.  It was sunny and hot. I took advantage of the sponges at every rest stop as well.  I encouraged many athletes as they passed me by.  At mile 8.5 I looked at my watch and it showed I had been moving for 6 hours and 47 minutes.  I knew I would finish on time.  I still tried jogging but mostly walked, singing, praying and repeating my mantras, besides thanking all the volunteers and encouraging the few runners I would see.

Finally mile 13. I hear my name, I see Pat and Booger.  Mark Wilson, the race director, grabs my hand encouraging me and I sprint to the finish.  Official time 8:05:49.  I Did it.  I finished my first half Ironman (70.3 miles) distance.  (As some know, I did Boise but due to high winds, rain and snow, they shorten the bike from 56 to 12 miles..I felted cheated .. And that's another story). 
At the finish line, getting my medal and them taking my timing chip

After the race, I laid around a bit trying to settle the stomach.  Pat was able to get my things out of transition.  He said while he was in there a woman told him that I was a beast on the bike..She said I just blew past her like nothing. That made me feel good.  Never was told that before.  And we all no the Pink Lotus stands out.  I probably would have won first for prettiest bike as well. Just saying that's what I was told.
Chilling after the race.

My first place Plaque!
We got back to the RV, I had some crackers and ginger ale, took a shower and felt great. Now it was time to eat.  It was at the restaurant when my friend, Leslie, text me and said I got first place.  I had Sandy confirm.  OMG!  That was it, I was on cloud 9.  I contacted Mark, went back to the venue and picked up my plaque.  I talked to a few more people, telling them what I overcame to be here. It's a great feeling to be alive and to inspire.

There were two people in my division, Athena half.  One competitor never made it to the finish.  In my age group, I would have placed 8 out of 9.  

Sowhat is next... I have 3 events in June, July and August before my next half Ironman in October.  This is Silverman in Henderson/Lake mead.  I will keep training, TRIing and losing weight. I will work on my transitions (maybe) and most important I WILL ENJOY every minute of very day that I'm out doing what I Love..
Special  Thanks to..

God...who gave me this heart, passion and desire!

 My husband Pat who is my biggest supporter, fan and best friend.  He completes me.
Having dinner and celebrating once I heard "FIRST PLACE!"
My Biggest Supporter, Fan, My Rock, My Everything.  Always there for me!

Kandi, my coach at Train-n-Tri.  I know I'm a hard one with my plans and physical issues but we did it.  We are going all the way to Couer d'alene.

To Robert who swam 1.2 miles with me in the ocean one week ago and help my mental anxiety. It worked.

To Energy Bits, Ryno power and Ding Bat Bars.  I trained with all of it, good wholesome clean food giving me the energy I need when I don't forget it in transition.

To my girls Sinta and Jamie, thanks for training with me and having so much faith me.  All my TC sisters Sandy, Liz, Anna, Jaymi, Cherilynn and friends/family at home, you always have more faith in me than I do. Thanks so much.. I truly felt the prayers and positive energy pushing me through.

And my two moms.. Barb and Yvonne.  You never once doubted me!