Saturday, March 1, 2014

A Strong Finish ... The Bionic Hip is Working.. Shhhh don't tell the doctor!!

Desert Tri Sprint Distance
A Strong Finish! Bionic Hip is Working

Yes, another race this weekend.  After I finally recovered from last weekend, I jumped in again.  Of course, it never rains in California but for some reason God thought this weekend would be a good time to send rain and wind (in an abundance) to California.

We left Friday afternoon so we can get our camping spot, I could pick up my race packet and we could relax for Saturday's event.  After checking in, Pat dropped me off before finding our camping spot. It was a bit windy and deep down I was a tad nervous about racing in wind (not so much rain) the next day.  I got my packet and started walking to the campground area.   I was trying to condense my packages when a gust of wind came upon me and took my race packet with chip, numbers, etc.   I had missed the practice swim but because my packet was now floating in the lake, I was able to get a good feel of the water temperature.   No, I didn't dive in and swim but I ran in up to my knees and was able to recover all my numbers and chip.  Relieved but I wasn't thrilled how this was starting.

A nice pic of the dust whipping through the air down by the race area.  I was by the campground soaked.

I got to the RV and prepared dinner, we walked Booger and then put in Ghost (the movie) to watch.  I totally forgot how much I loved that movie but back to task at hand.   My transition bag was packed, my breakfast was laid out, I was going to decide what bike to ride in the morning so all was left was sleep.  Boy, I have never slept so good before a race. I think the reason why I slept so good because I mentally prepared myself for this race.  It was my first triathlon since blah, blah, blah.  I was going into this with an attitude of fun!  There was no pressure. I have done these distances a million times. There were no worries about hydration or fuel since it was a sprint, so slept like a baby!  

I woke up this morning to peacefulness.  No wind! No rain!  That meant the Pink Lotus was the Chosen one.  I had my Ryno Power Motivation, Energy Bits, Oatmeal to Go bar, water and off I went.   

Once I got to the transition area, I began my mental checklist one more time as I set up.  It was so easy I really thought I was forgetting something.   I turned around and I was so happy to see a member of Team Touch Chik!  (It's an awesome group of women and I am very proud to be part of it).  I knew she was coming but sometimes it is hard to find people at these races.

Swim check, Bike Check, Run Check! 

Team Tough Chik Representing at Desert Tri  

Of course, Sinta was there and as always, checking on me and making sure I was okay.  I really am blessed to be a part of the Triathlon Connection Club as well.  I have met life long friends who are always so supportive, loving, mentoring and inspiring.

Sinta and I at body marking.

I was marked, had gone potty and now was waiting for the Hubby to come so I could give him my phone and wedding rings that I forgot to remove.  He was also my wetsuit zipper.    So as I waited for him, I got to take a few pictures of the venue.  This venue is so pretty and my fourth year of doing this race, although first time for the sprint distance.

A view of the lake before the races starts.

Hubby came, zipped me up and we walked to the lake.  Not going to lie, I was a bit nervous as well.  I haven't been in open water since last year.  I had overcome that fear but now it was in the back of my head.  As soon as I put my face in the water, I freaked out but as I started talking to myself, using my Zen meditation and counting my strokes, my breathing slowed and I was okay.

Before the FREAK OUT!

Now since I'm not a strong swimmer, I always position myself in the back, right hand side.  I'm perfectly okay walking into the water and acclimating myself.   I usually end up passing a few people anyway.  Plus Coach Tony has always said, "You never win a race with a fast swim."  Not that I planned on winning but I remember that with every swim.  Our division was the last to start.  (Athena and 50+ women - I use my curves to my advantage whenever I can).  I had a great swim, nice calm even strokes, past some people and finished in 12:45.  Perfect for 500 yards.

And we are off...

Yes, made it to the finish!

Now I must run to transition to get bike!

I was a bit shaky but good over all in T1.  I was ready in 3:18 and on my bike.  I knew there was a problem at the first climb.  I really am going to get my back tire/brake fixed this week.  My brake rubbed the entire 14 miles.  However, I past many on their bikes and made sure I cheered each and everyone on.  It was a good ride!  Harder than necessary but a good ride.  My time was 50:53.  Then I dismounted and switched into my running shoes. 
Yes, I always smile for the camera and sometimes I even wave!

The run is so NOT my favorite.  It might be more mental because I know every step I'm taking is adding extra pressure on all my joints. Having osteoarthritis in both hips, both knees and both shoulders makes me think of the future.  I think about it even though I still run.  (I swear after IMCDA, the running shoes will retire - or so I say now).

I felt GREAT on the run.  I looked down and was doing around 11 min/mile.  I slowed my pace then picked it up.  Again, I met some new friends on the course.  I love sharing my story and motivating/inspiring others.  I ran with a 33 year old mom and after I told her my story (a brief summary) she said I inspired her and apparently gave her a push because she left me in the dust. 

Finally, I saw the finish.  I thought of my hip surgeon telling me I better not see you ever running unless you are being chased.  Well technically I was being chased by all the others behind me.  I crossed the finish line, running my 5K in 32:43.   That was 9 minutes faster than last week (but then last week had hills).

My total time was 1:42:09.  I came in 4th place in the Athena Division.  The 3rd place girl was 6 minutes ahead of me.  Was it the bike?  Maybe. Am I going to beat myself up about not fixing the bike? Heck no.  I had a blast, meet some amazing people, feel great and can't wait until next month's Grape Stomp Reverse Sprint Triathlon.   I can't wait to continue training and improving.   I think I am truly LIVING THE DREAM!!

My baby boy was very tired cheering for me

Tough Chiks Finish

Still had energy!  Love the Pink Lotus

#1 Fan, Supporter, Sponsor, Cheerleader and Husband

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