Monday, August 25, 2014

My First Ocean Swim Tri and I Placed 1st

 My First Ocean Swim Tri - Had to do it!!
It always feels good to hear - 1st Place no matter what

Starting the morning off with some Triathlon Connection Friends.
Back in January I decided I was going to nip this ocean swimming fear right in the butt. So, I signed up the Santa Barbara Triathlon.  Of course, it was the Long Distance.  I mean if I am going all the way might as well pick the longest course.

Not going to lie, I was nervous and had been up until July when we went to Malibu for a few days.  It was there I practiced (and was coached by my amazing husband) how to get in and out of the surf.  Yes, I have read and heard from many others but until I was actually there, nothing registered.  I normally look at the waves and back away.  Come on, I'm from the land of corn fields... 

We got there Thursday afternoon and took Booger to a beach Thursday and Friday.  Both days I had really really good excuses as to why I shouldn't get in the water.   #1 which I didn't share was my fear was back in full force.  I decided if I tried to get in and something bad happen, it would hurt my mental preparation for Saturday. So I opt to not swim. 

Friday at Packet Pick Up.  The new Spokes Dog for Clif
It's race day morning.  I fueled up with my Energy Bits, Ryno Power Motivation/Endurance and a protein bar plus sprayed my Energy Essential Oil blend all over.   I got to transition with some friends, I set up and then waited.  I was nervous only when I heard the big crashing of the waves and I couldn't find Pat.  I have never started a race without him there and I was a bit lost.  
Pink Lotus and My Transition all set up and ready to roll

Transition in the morning...
It was practice time so went down to the start to get in the water.  First thing I saw was a BIG wave coming.  My friend, Simon, was in the water and I yelled .. "Oh that's a big one."  He turned around just in time for it to swallow him up.  Great, so this is how its going to be.  I put my big girl panties on and went in.  I dived through each wave with Pat's voice telling me dive, dive.   Once I was out in the "safe" zone my mind went nuts. I just knew I wasn't going to be able to get back to shore without being swallowed up.  I just knew I was going to drown.  I just knew I was going to get sick and then a big fish was going to come and eat me.  I knew this was going to happen.. I just knew it.   I had to get back to shore and go hide and not do the race and make up an excuse.  Yep, I just had to do it.  I was too scared.    This was my first race all season that I finally felt sick to my stomach before the race.
I got out of the water and had the "Battle of the minds"  Apparently Bionic Barbie won because I did the race instead of hiding.  The horn went off and I walked into the water, did a dive under a wave and I was swimming.  I felt good.  No bumping, punching, no one swam over me, I didn't get sick.  It was good.  I was in a steady groove.  The turn around I could feel it was a bit harder but I turned to head towards shore.  Why do I have to turn back to see how big the waves are?  Does it matter?  Why didn't I just surf it in?  No, I had to look at the 12' wave (exaggerated) coming in ready to crash right on me.. Yep, this was it... I was gone.. I was going into "water/surf land".   All I remember under the water was light then blackness.  I popped up finally and was able to located my goggles.. Wow!  I had sand all over my face.  I wasn't happy about that but happy I was out of the water.. YEAH!! I did it in 41:17... One mile swim BAM!!
Bam that dang swim was done!

I ran to my bike, it was misting so everything was wet besides being wet.  I did drop my face shield and cracked it. However, I could still use it so I took off.  The bike ride was awesome.  Yes there were a few steep climbs.  There were two major accidents where cyclist crashed and were being taken away on a stretcher.  I took every down hill nice and slow.  I mean it was wet outside and I didn't know the path too well.  Nothing is worth an injury.  I cruised on the bike and loved it.  I even had two people on the run course tell me I was a BEAST!  Yes.. 2nd time that has happened and I can't help but feel proud!  I was scared of the course from all I heard, read and driving it.  I thought for sure 3 hours.. Nope.   My time for 34 miles climbing approximately 2270'... 2:11.  YES and another BAM!!!
Getting ready for that fun Bike

Onto the run.  No Patrick around so I was a bit down.  The run is my least favorite due to being so slow and sometimes the pain during and mostly after.  However, no pain came.  I did my normal 5 minute run with 1 minute walk the entire run.  I never once felt like I was bonking.  At mile 8 I was actually getting hungry and thinking of food and what I could eat. Again, lots of people past me on the run but that's okay.  This time I felt great and I PR'd (according to Strava and me).     I was coming into the finish and I saw my husband, Pat. He had a whole cheering section yelling me through the finish.  It was a Proud moment.  I finished Strong.  My 10 mile run was done in 2:12:32

Strong Finish!

My total time was 5:12:54.. The best part.. First Place in Athena Division!  I knew I had it. Granted I was the only one in my division.  There were a few DNFs but it wasn't me! :)

I love races like these. Races that make you feel so strong and amazing.   I have a few people to thank because without them, it would not be such an incredible experience.  First, my husband, Pat.  He is always by my side.. supporting, sponsoring, cheering and having that Ginger Ale and Cold Beer at the Finish.  (I never know what I will want).  And, my Coach and Friend, Kandi at Train-n-Tri.  You have given me a plan so tailored to my injuries/surgeries, brittle bones and vacations.  I know it isn't easy working around my schedule but you do and I thank you so much.  Also, thanks to Energy Bits and Ryno Power for giving me what I need to make it though another big race.

Next race is my A race... My Monster Race for 2014... Silverman 70.3 Half Ironman at Lake Mead..  I'm so excited for this race.  I can't wait!  

 I will be an Ironman!

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