Thursday, January 16, 2014

I have been set FREE! FREE at LAST!

I feel that the Warden has set me FREE!

As I have blogged, I have been through quite a lot of injuries in 2013. First, the hip replacement then in Nov I broke my ankle and 4 days later I had shoulder reconstruction surgery.  It hasn't been easy keeping my mind on the PRIZE, which is Ironman 2015.  (It did help that my friend, Kandi, told me, "You are going to have the strongest mind out there!")   And, isn't that where most of our racing comes from, the Mind?    Yes we train, but it's our mind that got us there and got us through it!  It's easier to listen to your mind to give up!  But, when you train your mind NOT to give up, it gets easier!  You live in the PRESENT moment and get to know your body!

This ISN'T me but if you noticed the tips of the bones are all together.  This is a NORMAL Ankle
This isn't me either but if you look closely you to the right, you will see a perfect line right across the tip.  Yep, that's exactly what I did.

This is me and it's hard to see but it is all fusing back together.  There is still a small space and the doc said it might NEVER grow back all the way, it will just be scar tissue like all the other scar tissue from all my injuries.  It's nice to have a doctor who is a runner.  Even my shoulder surgeon is a cyclist so they understand me.

 When I went to see the doctor on Tuesday, Jan 14, I was a bit nervous.  Starting to think the worse, I had to tell myself, it's all okay the boot is coming off; and vision me outside biking, swimming, walking, without the boot.    And sure enough, my doctor told me I can remove the boot and start all my three favorite things but slowly.  I can't pound or push off the wall in a pool or bench press 400 lbs (that's a funny), but I can swim, I can bike and I can walk.    I will have to take it "easy" for 3 more weeks wearing a beautiful ankle splint, which I am HAPPY to oblige.

So yesterday I woke up so HAPPY!  I felt FREEDOM!  I felt like it couldn't be a better day.   I remember Ticht Nant Hahn saying in one of his teachings.. tell your loved one and anyone who will listen that, "THIS IS A HAPPY MOMENT!"    And, trust me with my smile on my face, the hubby knew it was a happy moment.   I could tell he was a bit nervous for me, like a mother letting go of her child for the 1st day at school, but I got on my bike!  I promised him I would stay on the asphalt and the aqueduct road (which is all relatively flat - I mean I do live in the High Desert of SoCal, is there really anything FLAT around??)

Ready to ride sporting my splint, Hoka shoes, Swirlgear Hoodie and of course, White Lighting.  No road or Tri bike yet because of the clipping in.  White Lighting is always ready to go with gym shoes or clip shoes.

 I felt GREAT.  The wind in my hair, the smell of fresh air.  Boy, I just kept breathing it all in thanking God and being very grateful.  Even breathing in the worlds, "I am Mountain Solid!"  "I am a Flower Fresh!"  "I am grateful!"  It was exhilarating!

Then I turned around  at 6 miles (which I was only going to do 12 easy) and there it was .... The beautiful headwinds I have loathed. 
I found this cool app and yep 15 mph winds.  Which really, I have been through worse.  Today's ride was 14 mph!

But this time, there was no loathing.  There was only gratefulness.  I told myself that I can't control the wind so enjoy it!  I told myself that if I was in a race, I would have to keep riding!  I told myself if I keep training in wind, I will pass everyone on race day, if there is wind.  Nothing got to me.  I breathed it all in.  I was FREE!

I came home and did 1 hour of strength, stretch and yoga and then went for a 1.2 mile walk with my baby Boogs

This is my baby Boogs.  He is great to walk with when I can't go a long distance.  So I take him and keep it slow, steady and short!.   

 So, now with my races scheduled for 2014, I am ready!  I also know that I might not be able to do a race, if I'm not ready or might have to change the distance and that's okay!  I'm back! I've been rebuilt, rehabilitated, restored, refreshed, and renewed!

I have to lose some weight I gained over the holidays and being "grounded."  I already started my "clean" diet last week so now with the calories being burn, I should be able to drop back down. 

And for those who are curious of my racing schedule, here it is...

Feb 22-23 = Chinatown Firecracker 30 mile bike ride, next day 10k run
March 2-3 = Desert Tri International distance (it all depends on how my swim comes along - I haven't swam since last March)
April 6 = Grape Stomp Sprint
May 17 = Hits Half Distance = Grand Junction, CO
June 8 = Bonelli Tri
August 25 = Santa Barbara Triathlon
September 13 = Lake Arrowhead Tri
October 3 = 70.3 Silverman = Henderson/Lake Mead
December 7 = Hits Olympic = Palm Springs

This schedule should keep me busy and focused!

 I feel like a child going to Disneyland!
  I'm back, JACK!

Special thanks to my recovery and energy bits!  I know having a good diet helps recovery and I believe these bits (and it's been scientifically proven that recovery bits are anti inflammation bits) have helped. 

Health Benefits of Recovery Bits. 
  • Helps prevent colds and flu
  • Helps speed recovery or prevent most illness
  • Helps build the immune system
  • Helps with detox and cleansing 
  • Helps rebuild RNA and DNA - highest concentration in the world
  • Helps build and cleanse blood
  • Helps prevent hangovers
  • Helps improve digestion and digestive disorders like IBS, Acid Reflux and Chrohns
  • Helps improve elimination
  • Helps restore healthy bacteria and probiotics to gut
  • Helps reduces anemia
  • Helps fight inflammation
  • Helps fight free radicals
  • Helps kill bacteria and viruses
  • Helps remove mercury or other toxins
  • Helps damaged cells and organs like the liver to recover
  • Helps enhances longevity and wellness- considered the fountain of youth
  • Helps introduce oxygen to the body and help prevent many chronic illnesses
  • Helps with rapid recovery from sugery
  • Provides most daily nutritional needs
  • Helps balance body functions - is100% alkaline
  • Raw food, great for vegans or those who hate greens
  • Safe nutrition for anyone of any age, from newborn babies to seniors

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Welcome 2014... We have LOTS to do this year!!

Happy New Year  - 2014 and I am so excited to see how it unfolds

As some of you know, I had a "REBUILDING" year in 2013.  My last race was March 2013 in a relay at Desert Tri in LaQuinta, CA.  (TC SuperStorm)  By the way, our Team came in 3rd place and I was the swimmer ha. Sandy rode like a Bandit and Joseph Ran like he robbed a bank. It was so exciting to have a fun race.  I haven't swam since this event.  Another old injury crept up and took over my shoulder.   One week after this event the rebuilding began. 

3rd Place Podium Finish - March 2013 - My last race   

 First surgery for 2013 was a new hip.  Since I completed Boise Half Ironman in June 2012, running had stopped, walking was hard so all I had was swimming and biking (but no aero).  It was a challenge and very frustrating.   But, I did what I could and moved forward.  

Sandy, Pat with both moms in the back... They were taking me in.

It was awesome having these girls with me.  They kept me laughing

The new and improved Bionic Hip

 It took a long time to recover, at least in my head. Although 10 weeks later I hiked up Mt. Baden Powell with my adopted Lil Sis Jamie.  This is not an easy hike and I'm not sure why I felt I had to do it but to prove to myself.  It took us 5 hours round trip as I took one small step at a time.  Almost 3,000 feet later (4 miles straight up) we were there and I was ecstatic.  

9,039 ft at the Summit of Baden-Powell the Founder of the Boy Scouts
This helped me to get on my bike and start walking/running again.   At this time, I was not able to swim because of the arthritis and tear in my shoulder was so bad from lifting my butt up so much during hip recovery. 

I took on my mountain and road bike and hit the pedals hard.  I started walking, then walking and jogging and by October I was up to 8 miles without pain.  I am giving credit to the Hokas I bought in September.  Before October, it was very hard to run 3 miles without pain in  hip or knees.

The summer was amazing and I did lots of traveling, spending time with family either here in Southern California or all the way in the Indiana.  My husband taught me how to "tent" camp and I fell in love with hiking. 

November's trip back home to Indiana!  My oldest nephew's wedding.  That's my mom with her grandchildren
(My new dream is to hike the PCT - sections at a time but first I must conquer CDA 2015).  I kept busy and did as much as I could with workouts.  And, to stay positive I decided 2015 would be my Ironman.  Meaning 2014 will be my big training year.    2013 was also the year I would start exposing Bionic Barbie, become an Ambassador for some amazing products and start planning my strategy for Ironman.

I signed up for some events before I knew my surgery date for my shoulder.  As always, I have an issue with patience.   I didn't do HITS in December and I cancelled my half century in January 2014.   I have the Firecraker 30 mile hilly bike ride in February with a 6 mile run the next day.  Can I do it?  Sure I can.  Some way, some how I will cross the finish line for both. Plus I got a new bike for Christmas. Surely this will make me fast.

My new Camo Pink QR waiting patiently! 

On Nov 29, I went for a hike and fell.  We (the hubby and mom) thought it was bad sprain.  But two weeks later, it was still swollen and bruised. Found out my fibula bone was broken.  On Dec 2nd, I had my shoulder surgery.  Now, if I hadn't fallen and broke that bone, there would be NO QUESTION if I could finish February's race, and I would have done the half century in January even if my doctor thinks I'm crazy.

Here we go again. Happy juice and waiting for the Doc to take me in

Nice walking boot since I couldn't be cast because of the shoulder.

Being a bit active, I do my therapy exercises everyday and within 10 days after surgery my ROM was 40% in my shoulder.  I'm sure my Recovery Bits had a lot to do with it.  Four weeks later, I can fully rotate my arm and even do some swim strokes with minimal pain. YES to bits and persistence!!

  I don't have a lot of pain in the ankle so that makes it worse sitting still.  So what does one do when they are not suppose to bear weight on their left leg and not lift anything more than 3 lbs with their right arm for 6 weeks??  I started a sitting Yoga class with Debra Anderson and I spin easy on my  easy while reading.  I'm also training my mind which is harder than anything I have every done.  Seriously the mind is very difficult to control!  I see improvements everyday!

So back to the strategy, I am signed up for the International Distance at Desert Tri in March.  My only real concern is swimming which will have to wait until Jan. 14 when the boot comes off.  Isn't swimming like riding a bike?   Let's  hope so.

In May I really want to do a HITS 70.3 in Colorado. But sometimes I have to be a bit more realistic.  So I might postpone it until June in Kansas or Lubbock, TX.  I am signed up for Silverman Half Ironman in October in Vegas. I know that will be a challenging one and I know all my TC Family will be waiting for me at the finish line, cheering me home (they are always so supportive). And then there will be HITS in December just not sure what distance yet.

Some might be asking why I do this. Well, once this sport is "in the blood" there is no leaving it.  I will be honest and tell you after CDA 2015, I will hang up my running shoes and focus on hiking, cycling and swimming.  I really don't want anymore "bionic" parts.  Arthritis tends to run rampant in my family.  There are more Aquabike events showing up all over.   And the definition of a Triathlete so I have to do more than ONE thing.

Since I started training for triathlons and completed some, then include the weight loss, I have realized I have much more potential than I ever thought.  I have realized that we (Yes YOU) can do anything we really want to do.  It doesn't happen overnight, but it will happen.  Just Never Give UP!

In closing, each year I add up my miles to see what I did except I can't seem to find 2011.  I know I ran 1,010 miles in 2010 (which helped increase the hip surgery).  In 2012 I did 3,155.50 miles total of swimming, biking and running.  I know the suspense is killing y'all but wait for it..

With all my rebuilding and injuries, I am proud to say my total swim, bike, run, hike, moving miles totaled 2,760.24 miles.  This doesn't include the endless hours of stretching and strength training.  I'm 395.10 miles short from last year.  I had set a goal last January but can't find that little journal anywhere.  However, I think that is pretty darn good with two surgeries and an injury. 

I think I will set my goal for 2014 HIGH!!  Let's go for 4,000 total miles moving.!  So, watch for me swimming, biking, running, walking, hiking, kayaking, and paddleboarding 2014.  It will be a fun journey as I continue to push my body and mind to limits of the unknown.

A big thanks to all of you for believing and supporting me.  To all my new sponsors who believe in me.. Swirlgear, Engery Bits, Tough Chiks, Sock Guy, Ryno Power, GU, Sweat Pink, and Live Wire, I will try hard to represent you as my racing events commence in February. 

And I ask a Favor from everyone.  DON'T GIVE UP!  Never give up on your DREAMS!   Dream Big, Aim for the stars!   Just take one day at a time!  Set your goals and Go FOR IT!!

Much Love, Peace, Joy, Happiness and Swimming, Biking, Running and Moving in 2014